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We are located in the East Bay Area of Rhode Island. All massage sessions take place in a healing room within our private residence in Riverside, RI. (Once your appointment is confirmed, the address will be provided.) Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a public park, your home, or our backyard.  Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a local park, our backyard, or your residence.

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anthony bruni

Well its the last day of winter , and I wanted to hint at some Spring ideas I am working on.

We are one short day from spring. It's been a mild winter where I am, yet I'm still excited to pass through this seasonal demarcation point. I am grateful for the longer days and extra heat. I appreciate not having to be quite so diligent in putting layer upon layer of clothes on as to stay warm and dry.

Spring-like fall is descriptive in its name. Where fall implies succumbing to the will of gravity, spring, to be sprung, hints at our internal energy overcoming this universal force of nature. We can experience spring as a release of energy. The slumbering life that lies dormant all winter suddenly explodes. Trees and plants begin to bud, and alchemically turn the increased photosensitized solar energy into its various botanical compounds. One of the more notable ones, pollen summons the birds, insects, and mammal to greater consciousness on a hormonal level. Birds start to chatter, filling the air with their frequencies. The air literally has more organically produced vibratory energy meshed throughout it.

Just as flowers begin to push through thawed ground we too are or should be at least beginning to transgress our boundaries. This is a time of extroversion and conflict as we re-learn how to re-harmonize with our friends, family, and communities.

For myself, I intend to expand the type of content I offer on this webpage. I have been interested in finding a way to share my movement practice for quite some time. After overcoming a bit of reluctance I think a video format will be the most efficient way to do that. That said there are some technical hurdles to surmount but barring any disaster, I plan to have ( hopefully educational and entertaining) video content which will be available sometime before summer.

Till then don’t forget to smell the flowers.

Anthony Bruni