Contact Us

Use the form to book a session or ask a question.

We are located in the East Bay Area of Rhode Island. All massage sessions take place in a healing room within our private residence in Riverside, RI. (Once your appointment is confirmed, the address will be provided.) Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a public park, your home, or our backyard.  Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a local park, our backyard, or your residence.

Please include the type of session you are inquiring about, your best contact info, and your preferred times.


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anthony bruni

When I started this blog a year and a half ago, I had little idea where it would lead or what I would write about. As it progressed I found myself drawn more and more to movement. I wanted to write about how we move, as well as how that movement influences us.

This has led me to start another project, exploring movement in a video format. To devote the amount of time needed to produce this new content I do have to put the blog on hiatus for an indeterminate amount of time.

While this is both sad and liberating for me, mostly I look forward to this new challenge

Anthony Bruni