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We are located in the East Bay Area of Rhode Island. All massage sessions take place in a healing room within our private residence in Riverside, RI. (Once your appointment is confirmed, the address will be provided.) Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a public park, your home, or our backyard.  Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a local park, our backyard, or your residence.

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anthony bruni

I wanted to get a bit more personal with this post. To clarify what I'm trying to do and to give credit where it is due.  

At present, I am beginning an exploration of the digital world. I’m not a Luddite, I’ve used computers for most of my life, but I have used them passively.  Always consuming content rather than creating. I have never been comfortable with the exposure of most social media sites so I even avoid them.  Creating my own content has been intensely liberating. I enjoy the process of figuring out how web design functions. I take comfort in knowing that while different choices may make my views count increase, or decrease there is no actual right or wrong in this. My goal is not to follow an algorithm that will provide me with the most amount of view. Rather I am attempting to use this space to externalize my consciousness. My only intention is to share my thoughts and to be transparent.  

My writing will be focused on bodywork. That said massage can be a  sprawling topic. Whether an idea is related to bodywork is ultimately determined only by whether we have the neuro-linguistic ability to connect it to bodywork. Which is to say it's all connected to massage if we are thinking about it in the right way.  So I'm sure my writing will seem to stray at times, but I wish to write this blog as a free range human rather than a factory farm professional. It will be informed by what I learn in my professional practice. I will do my best to provide accurate information, based on research and personal experience.  At the same time, I do want to allow myself the liberty to speculate and meander with my thoughts.  I will do my best to make clear when I step outside my L.M.T. box.  I made the choice to write as such because I believe much of our collective wisdom resides outside our culturally imposed boundaries.  It Is in these realms that our cognitive exploration is most needed. Please question everything you read here. Everyone is absurdly unique. No one knows more about you than you, so if something feels wrong it probably is wrong. 
I also want to admit to stealing the name Bio Align. I wish I thought of it, but I must give credit to Jenny Agula, (unless she stole it).  I heard it on a Mixed Mental Arts podcast. If you want to hear a fascinating and disturbing theory on why many women give birth in the lithotomy position (supine with their feet in stirrups) then I would recommend you give it a listen. I hope she’s ok with my theft. I could not think of a better name to express that we can never be estranged from our biology. This idea more than any other is what guides me during a message. That pain is present in our bodies for a reason. That our bodies are talking to us. When we listen, our bodies will stop shouting painful messages at us. What does listening to our bodies mean? Learning to go through life in a way where we are not injuring our bodies. I believe this is what makes pain dissipate. My role in massage is to merely to use my kinesiological knowledge to help translate what the body is saying. 

So I look forward to exploring this strange new binary world, expressing ideas I have cultivated over the years while working with so many people. I hope everyone reading my digital scribbles is sparked by curiosity. 

Thanks for reading

    Anthony Bruni