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Filtering by Tag: self learning


anthony bruni

Word of the day, Autodidact.

Massage and language are usually connected in my mind. Bodywork intensifies consciousness within the body. Through massage, we should become aware of areas that need care. We find where we are deficient. We explore the limits of our range of motion. It’s been my personal and professional experience that as we increase our bodily awareness, our awareness about other areas of our life become more attuned with reality. Massage can teach us to separate pain from sensation. We can learn to differentiate between what our body doesn’t want because it is harmful from what our mind doesn’t think the body wants because it is afraid it will be harmful. The more we can nuance that distinction within our own bodies the more we will naturally expand that more sophisticated thinking into all other areas of our lives.

Language too expands the way we think. Language allows us to precisely express a concept, a sensation, an order, a question, a whatever to whoever. The more words we gather up the more exact we can express ourselves. If bodywork naturally expands the mind, as I believe, then should we not strive to expand our vocabulary as to be able to give expression to whatever new insights we may have.

This all brings me to this week topic. I found brand new to me word that I think should be used more in the massage and bodywork world. Autodidact. Simply puts this Greek-derived word means a self-learner. Auto meaning self and didact meaning the art of learning. So why do I find this word interesting enough to write about and how do I link it to massage?

Well to answer the first question, I want to encourage and spread the idea of self-learning. Has there ever been, in the 13 billion year history of the known universe, a better time to be able to self acquire skills and knowledge? I think it is our opportunity and duty be in a constant state of learning? I don’t think we will continue to have such opportunities if we do not take it. Much like the Greek myth of Prometheus (which translate into forethought ), now is time to steal as much fire from the gods as we can.

So now how does this relate to massage and bodywork? Unlike conventional medical care where knowledge is squeezed out of lab rats, massage is based on the notion that we instinctually have knowledge of what harms and what hurts us. This is not to devalue science-based medicine, as I don’t want to live without that, but to point out there are other, means of navigating the path of heath. Massage is based on the concept that our body knows what it needs to do to heal itself; that it know instinctually how to cultivate strength. As a bodyworker, my only job is to be sensitive enough to what a body is saying, and amplify it's message to the level of consciousness. The highest form of massage is the seemingly contradictory task of teaching people to be more autodidactic. If after a massage someone feels more connected and trusting of their body I know I did my job.

Anthony Bruni