Contact Us

Use the form to book a session or ask a question.

We are located in the East Bay Area of Rhode Island. All massage sessions take place in a healing room within our private residence in Riverside, RI. (Once your appointment is confirmed, the address will be provided.) Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a public park, your home, or our backyard.  Movement coaching often takes place outdoors, and can be coordinated at a local park, our backyard, or your residence.

Please include the type of session you are inquiring about, your best contact info, and your preferred times.


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Medical Freedom

Medical Freedom

No one will ever know your body as well as you know your body. You have lived in your body your entire life and will continue to do so for the rest of your life. For good and bad we all will live with the consequences of how we treat our bodies. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that every one of us retains full autonomy over our health decisions. A few short years ago uttering such mundane wisdom would be obvious to all. Unfortunately now such ideas are perceived as controversial or even radical.

The reality is we are each steward of our bodies. Medical practitioners, no matter how educated they are in a particular study, will never understand precisely how the treatment of any kind will affects a client or patient the way the one undergoing the treatment does. No matter how skilled or well-learned a practitioner is if they lack this understanding they will do unnecessary harm.

For these reasons client communication is necessary. If something is not working please say something so we do something else. It is also vital as a practitioner of any kind to respect the choices that people have made in regards to their health. At no point should anyone be pressured into any health care procedure no matter how well-intentioned it is.